HomeTerms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

Automation Services

1. Service Scope and Definitions:

  • Consulting Services: Eduardo Arturo Sieber Artiles provides consulting services for the selection of existing tools and the preparation and architecture to create new custom solutions for automating internal processes within the client’s company. These services are billed on an honorarium basis and/or monthly management fees.
  • Deliverables: Clients can expect a detailed analysis, comparison research of suitable tools, custom-made code located on a server chosen by the client (client bears hosting costs), and the implementation of third-party tools like make.com or zapier.com, based on client consent.

2. Third-Party Involvement:

  • Selection Process: Third-party companies are selected through a comparison of options that best fit the client’s needs, considering performance, cost, functionalities, and compliance with security and data protection regulations (e.g., GDPR).
  • Client Consent: All third-party selections and implementations are made with client consent.

3. Monthly Maintenance Subscription:

  • Included Services: The subscription includes monitoring, maintenance, and consulting for potential improvements based on performance assessments.
  • Cost Variations: Subscription costs vary based on the size and complexity of the automation and are discussed with the client in advance.

4. Additional Costs:

  • Big Changes or Restructures: Additional costs may incur for platform migrations, adding new functionalities not initially agreed upon, or rebuilding the automation from scratch.

5. Cancellation Policy:

  • Notice Period: Both parties can cancel the monthly fee with one month’s prior notice. The client can keep the setup automation, but any licenses or keys under Eduardo Arturo Sieber Artiles’ name will be revoked, requiring the client to purchase their own licenses and set them up.
  • Cancellation Steps: Clients must contact Eduardo Arturo Sieber Artiles in writing, preferably via email, to cancel their subscription.

6. Intellectual Property:

  • Retention of Rights: Eduardo Arturo Sieber Artiles retains intellectual property rights over the implemented automation flows and strategies, allowing duplication and resale without disclosing the original client.
  • Client Use: Clients own the automation setup in their account and can modify it, but cannot resell it without prior agreement from Eduardo Arturo Sieber Artiles.

7. Refund Policy:

  • Conditions for Refunds: Refunds are available if the client is dissatisfied within the first 14 days, provided the automation logic and implementation by Eduardo Arturo Sieber Artiles are fully deleted from the client’s accounts and services. Unauthorized use of duplicated automation may result in legal action.

8. Rejection and Cancellation of Clients:

  • Criteria: Eduardo Arturo Sieber Artiles reserves the right to reject or cancel clients based on internal criteria without providing specific reasons.
  • Refund Handling: If the relationship is terminated, completed and invoiced work to date is non-refundable. Only ongoing tasks with multiple invoices for specific tasks may have previous invoices refunded, excluding subscription fees.

9. Additional Provisions:

  • Legal Responsibilities: Eduardo Arturo Sieber Artiles is not responsible for the legal content on clients’ websites. Clients must review and confirm the accuracy of legal pages like imprint, privacy policies, terms of use, and cookie policies. Clients accept the privacy policies and terms of third-party services recommended by Eduardo Arturo Sieber Artiles.

Website Services

1. Service Scope and Definitions:

  • Services Offered: Design, development, and maintenance of websites, including connection to plugins and external APIs upon request.
  • Deliverables: Clients receive design setup, content templates, Google search engine setup, Google Business setup (if required), cookie banner, template legal pages (to be reviewed by the client), multi-language setup (if requested), and usage of third-party and royalty-free images. Clients are responsible for any royalty fees for images.

2. Intellectual Property:

  • Retention of Rights: Eduardo Arturo Sieber Artiles retains intellectual property rights over the website design and written content (if created by Eduardo Arturo Sieber Artiles) during the first year.
  • Client Use: Clients can fully use the content and design after completing one year of subscription and initial website setup if applicable.

3. Subscription Details:

  • Included Services: The subscription package includes maintenance, plugin updates, minor corrections, content adjustments, one extra page per month, and the use of Eduardo Arturo Sieber Artiles’ third-party licenses.
  • Costs: Currently, there is only one subscription package.

4. Cancellation Policy:

  • Process: Clients can cancel their subscription after the first year by writing via email.
  • Post-Cancellation: Clients retain rights to the website content and design, but lose access to all premium plugin and service licenses provided by Eduardo Arturo Sieber Artiles. Clients must purchase and set up their own licenses.

5. Plugin Licenses:

  • Provided Plugins: Amelia Plugin, TranslatePress, UI Core Theme, Elementor.
  • License Transfer: Clients must purchase and set up their own licenses upon cancellation, removing Eduardo Arturo Sieber Artiles’ licenses and keys from the website.

6. Client Responsibilities:

  • Content Accuracy: Clients are responsible for the accuracy of website content and must review and approve it before it goes live.
  • Legal Compliance: Clients are advised to consult a legal advisor to confirm the legality of the content.

Local SEO Services

1. Service Scope and Definitions:

  • Services Included: Distribution in several directory websites (e.g., Google Business, Bing, Apple Maps, Foursquare, Facebook), based on location availability.
  • Deliverables: Ongoing maintenance and monitoring of performance, proper content distribution, and review management (if requested).

2. Cancellation Policy:

  • Process: Clients can cancel their subscription with one month’s advance notice.
  • Post-Cancellation: The existing SEO work remains, but the connection to Eduardo Arturo Sieber Artiles’ accounts is removed. Clients must recover ownership of directory pages.

3. Refund Policy:

  • Conditions for Refunds: There are no refunds for local SEO services.

4. Performance Guarantees:

  • Guarantees Provided: Business information will be visible in specified directories and websites.
  • Handling Non-Performance: Clients can cancel the service immediately if results are not achieved, and the next month will not be invoiced.

Company Information: Eduardo Arturo Sieber Artiles
Levetzowstrasse 13A, 10555 Berlin, Germany

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